Do You Always Have to Have it Your Way?
Who hasn’t been there at one time or another; caught in a positional web of our own making because of a decision that at the time made perfect sense. But [...]
Separation/Divorce: No Texting Please!
I can’t tell you how many times couples will sit in my office and hold up their phones to me and say: “You want to see the text he sent [...]
Separation/Divorce: Waddya Mean It’s Joint Money??!
“Waddya mean it’s joint money??!” exclaimed Joe* during a particularly challenging mediation session. We were looking at the bank accounts, credit card debts and retirement plans, [...]
Separation/Divorce: My Lawyer Said . . .
How many times have I heard the words: “Well, my lawyer said . . .” while mediating a challenging couple? When that ball gets lobbed over the net, it tends [...]
To Complete or Not To Complete
One of the many advantages of mediation is that clients set their own pace to accomplish their goals. That said, on a regular basis, I review my client files to [...]
Separation/Divorce: Mediation – A Means For Better Communication
In my years as a divorce and family mediator, I’ve seen over and over again what a critical role communication plays in relationships. I’ve also seen how mediation can [...]