Does it Make Sense to have a Joint Bank Account after Divorce? (VIDEO)
One of the first things divorcing couples are advised to close is their joint bank accounts, but those with children may continue to have joint expenses. What about opening [...]
The Healing Magic of Mediation (VIDEO)
In this video, I’m piggybacking on fellow mediator and friend, Clare Piro’s videos that describe how grace and humanity can occur in mediation. I take her excellent advice [...]
The F-Word
No, it’s not that F-Word. Attorneys generally tend to shy away from their clients' F-Word and just want to talk about the facts. But actually as far as [...]
Who are the Beneficiaries on Your Life Insurance Policy?
Most couples have life insurance policies, usually whole life or a term policy, to cover their needs, and those of their children, in case something happens to [...]
Updating Your Divorce Agreement (VIDEO)
The result of a successful mediation is usually a Settlement Agreement crafted by the divorcing parties during their mediation sessions. With time, a return to mediation might be [...]
Living Separate and Apart Before Divorce or Separation [VIDEO]
Many of my couples come to me at various stages of their marriage or separation, and many of them have already been living apart for a while — [...]