How to Address a Relocation Issue in Mediation [VIDEO]
One of the most important things a divorcing couple must establish is a parenting plan. There is a lot of back and forth, pickups and drop-offs when the parents [...]
Mediation Is Not Just for Divorce [VIDEO]
There are other situations when couples can benefit from mediation in addition to separation and divorce. These include prenuptials and postnuptials, unmarried couples who own property together, or restructuring [...]
Maintaining Magnificent Homes for Extraordinary People
{3 minutes to read} "Oh, puleeeez!" This was the tag-line on the side of a contractor’s truck I saw last week, parked in front of someone’s modest, high ranch [...]
{4 minutes to read} In a separation and divorce, when it comes to dividing assets and debts, the retirement plans and the marital home are the two biggies. I’ve [...]
Getting Help Managing Your Pre & Post-Divorce Financial Life and… Where the Heck Is All That Paperwork Anyway??
{3:36 minutes to read} This month, I am hosting an article that my friend and colleague Tommie Michalik wrote for my website. She is a talented, compassionate and dedicated financial [...]
How is Mediation Like a Jigsaw Puzzle or Launching a Ship?
{3:54 minutes to read} During my initial consultation, when I meet a couple for the first time, I think it’s important to put some context to the mediation process [...]