I started the New Year with a good laugh – which is always a good thing.
On January 2nd, I was driving past my neighborhood shopping center where a local gymnasium occupies the end cap. Usually, the parking lot is pretty empty. But here it was around noon and there was not a parking space to be had. At first I wondered what the heck was going on!
I looked at all the other shops thinking that there must have been the usual post-Christmas sales, but no – that wasn’t it. In fact for the most part, the shopping center was fairly vacant. Upon further notice, I realized that almost ALL the cars were parked right in front of the gym.
Then it hit me – New Year’s resolutions off and running! That’s when I laughed out loud. I thought about taking a photo of that scene and then returning on February 2nd at noon to take a picture in the same spot to see how those resolutions turned out. The best laid plans of mice and men… and all that.
Just about every January magazine issue has something along the lines of the title of this article. It’s ridiculous but we all buy into it nonetheless. I’ll start the diet on January 1st, I’ll start the exercise program on Monday, I’ll start the cutting out the cake right after this birthday… Been there, done that cha, cha, cha.
I’m not cynical about New Year’s resolutions. In fact, in our family we have a tradition of taking a walk at the beach on New Year’s Day (regardless of the weather) and with each of us taking a turn, we share the following ruminations and reflections: For the year that just past, what were the things that we are really happy to see go, let go of, put in the past, say goodbye to (and why) AND what were the things that we are thankful for, look back with gratitude, feel good about having experienced, want to create more of. For the New Year – what are the things that we intend not to repeat or play out AND what are the things that we intend to make happen/accomplish, create.
I have to say that this is such a marvelous exercise and we really get into it. We dig deep, share our hearts and souls with each other and listen powerfully as we each take our turn exposing our inner most thoughts, desires and intentions. Then we go back home and finish up all the leftovers, including the cakes, cookies and holiday candy.
I’ll start that diet right after I polish off all those desserts!
Did you make some New Year’s resolutions? Please feel free to share those intentions in the Comments Box below.
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I love the writing. No New Years resolution for me, just as a way to live, I have determined
that in the best of circumstances this life is very short, and the only things that we get to keep when we leave here are the things we have given away. To that end I will continue to spend as much time as necessary with those needing the help and guidance that I offer and let God take care of all the rest.
loved what steve wrote, as it matches what i believe and live, exactly! lucky us! am grateful for what you shared, ada, as it is very clearly on target…
Great article, Ada. I also share Steve’s view. It is sometimes difficult to be grateful but the Law of Attraction says we will bring to ourselves what we focus on so why not focus on our blessings, the greatest of which is the gift of life.