Thoughts on Promise and Redemption
{3:54 minutes to read} It seems the perfect time of year to give thought to this topic given the Easter and Passover season and the feel of re-birth that only [...]
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
{3:42 minutes to read} So sang Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion as they hooked arms with each other on their way out of the dark [...]
Let Go of the Banana!
{1:51 minutes to read} Let Go or Be Dragged - Zen proverb The minute I read this proverb, I laughed with recognition. Don’t we all know the truth of this? [...]
Yield, Right of Way
[Time to Read: 3.8 mins] Living on Long Island, I spend a lot of time on the road. Much of my driving is either on the renowned Long Island Expressway, [...]
A Goal Without a Plan Is Just a Wish
On Friday, November 14th, I was watching The News Hour on PBS. Paul Solman who reports on many of the financial news stories, did a piece on the steady decline [...]
On the Radio – Part 2
In my last blog, I introduced Dr. Duffy Spencer who interviewed me about divorce and family mediation on her radio show, Just Relationships. The conversation was lively and engaging and [...]
On the Radio – Part 1
This past summer, I had the pleasure of appearing twice on Dr. Duffy Spencer’s radio show, Just Relationships.
Why Is the Month of August like a Separation?
When I was a child living in Brooklyn, my parents used to take us to a bungalow colony in Nyack, New York every summer to get out of the sweltering heat of the city.
Stocking the Larder
Before refrigeration was the rule of the day, most homes had a larder. A larder was a pantry, cupboard or cellar where food was stored, most of which was canned [...]