I Don’t Hate Her, She Don’t Hate Me
Could there be sweeter words to a mediator’s ears? I seriously doubt it. These were words said by a client as he and his soon-to-be former spouse were walking out [...]
How a Mediation Can Sometimes Feel Like Watching The Weather Channel
How many times has this happened to you? You get up in the morning, grab a cup of coffee, put on The Weather Channel to check the weather for the [...]
Expletives Deleted
One of the things I most look forward to is walking at the beach. I have my favorite place on the north shore of Long Island which not only has [...]
Thoughts on Pre-Cana and How it Relates to Mediation – Part 3
Over the past few months as my articles have been posted, many people have shared with me their own experiences and the advice they would pass along to a newly [...]
Academy of Professional Family Mediators Launch
I am pleased to announce the launch of a new national organization called The Academy of Professional Family Mediators (APFM). I am not only a founding member, but also a [...]
Do You Always Have to Have it Your Way?
Who hasn’t been there at one time or another; caught in a positional web of our own making because of a decision that at the time made perfect sense. But [...]
Separation/Divorce: In A Client’s Own Words: Why Mediation?
I love sharing stories like this. It not only warms the hearts of those of us who have chosen this wonderful profession, but it also serves as hope for those [...]
Separation/Divorce: No Texting Please!
I can’t tell you how many times couples will sit in my office and hold up their phones to me and say: “You want to see the text he sent [...]
Separation/Divorce: What Does My Cell Phone Have To Do With Your Mediation?
My smart phone died. It just would not take the charge anymore. I had replaced the charger several times since had I purchased it last May. It seemed that there [...]