Separation/Divorce: Mediation – A Means For Better Communication
In my years as a divorce and family mediator, I’ve seen over and over again what a critical role communication plays in relationships. I’ve also seen how mediation can [...]
Separation/Divorce: Mediation – How long is this going to take?
I am often asked this question by potential clients during my initial intake. People know that mediation is a more streamlined process than a litigated divorce but they really have [...]
Life Tips Post Separation/Divorce – Modification Of The Agreement
During the mediation couples will often ask: “What happens if we want to change something in our Agreement once the divorce judgment has been signed – how do we do [...]
Separation/Divorce: “Raking Over the Coals”
I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard one spouse say to the other during a heated discourse about dividing the marital assets and debts: “I don’t [...]
Life Tips Post Separation/Divorce: The Post Separated, Single Parent … Couple
Part II When crafting a parenting plan, the most important consideration is that the children have as much access to both parents as possible. Research strongly suggests that children who [...]
Life Tips Post Separation/Divorce: The Post Separated, Single Parent … Couple
Part I You’re probably wondering what this title could possibly mean. It is unusual, but accurately describes what actually goes on for most couples parenting their children in a post-separation [...]
Separation or Divorce: The Financial-Emotional Conundrum Part II
How Do We Get “There” Together? In Part 1 of the “Financial-Emotional Conundrum” I touched on how the emotional aspect of our nature can often rule our responses to the [...]
Separation or Divorce: The Financial-Emotional Conundrum Part I
There are many aspects of our “being” that make us human “beings.” We are sentient beings, spiritual beings, physical beings and emotional beings. Normally, we don’t sit around all day [...]
Separation or Divorce: The “No Surprise” Ending
We all know the story or some version of it: A couple decides to separate, they hire attorneys, end up in court and everyone loses one way or the other. [...]