Thoughts on Pre-Cana and How it Relates to Mediation – Part 2
Part 1 of this series talked about the Pre-Cana classes required by the Catholic Church and proposed the question of whether this would be a good idea for all couples [...]
Thoughts on Pre-Cana and How it Relates to Mediation
As a divorce and family mediator, I often wonder what my clients were like once upon a time…. when they fell in love with each other, became engaged, planned their [...]
Academy of Professional Family Mediators Launch
I am pleased to announce the launch of a new national organization called The Academy of Professional Family Mediators (APFM). I am not only a founding member, but also a [...]
Do You Always Have to Have it Your Way?
Who hasn’t been there at one time or another; caught in a positional web of our own making because of a decision that at the time made perfect sense. But [...]
Separation/Divorce: In A Client’s Own Words: Why Mediation?
I love sharing stories like this. It not only warms the hearts of those of us who have chosen this wonderful profession, but it also serves as hope for those [...]
Separation/Divorce: Waddya Mean It’s Joint Money??!
“Waddya mean it’s joint money??!” exclaimed Joe* during a particularly challenging mediation session. We were looking at the bank accounts, credit card debts and retirement plans, [...]
Separation/Divorce: What Does My Cell Phone Have To Do With Your Mediation?
My smart phone died. It just would not take the charge anymore. I had replaced the charger several times since had I purchased it last May. It seemed that there [...]
Separation/Divorce: Hoist With Your Own Petard
When people ask me what is necessary in order for a mediation to be successful, my response is “a willingness to cooperate and negotiate in good faith.” These are words [...]
Separation/Divorce: Perspective
I love this word and how it pertains to mediation. Webster’s dictionary defines it several ways starting with the original Latin root, perspicere, which means “to look through.” Two other [...]