To Bear but not Necessarily Share Another’s Beliefs and Practices (VIDEO)
An acquaintance was describing a situation that he found he couldn't tolerate — he had an intolerance for somebody else's ability to tolerate something. That started me thinking [...]
Does it Make Sense to have a Joint Bank Account after Divorce? (VIDEO)
One of the first things divorcing couples are advised to close is their joint bank accounts, but those with children may continue to have joint expenses. What about opening [...]
Is there a “Standard” Parenting Plan?
N0! There is no such thing as a “standard” parenting plan. There are lots of details that we have to work out but my clients have done some [...]
The Healing Magic of Mediation (VIDEO)
In this video, I’m piggybacking on fellow mediator and friend, Clare Piro’s videos that describe how grace and humanity can occur in mediation. I take her excellent advice [...]
Mediators Sweep and Wax to Help Couples Achieve a Friction-Free Divorce
The 2022 Winter Olympics are up and running, or should I say skiing, snowboarding, and skating. I’m avidly watching as usual and I found two events that remind [...]
A Gray Divorce is Your Decision and Nobody Should Judge It [VIDEO]
When a couple has been married for many, many years, their decision to divorce should be admired for the courage it takes rather than being negatively judged. Once [...]
Not Married? Could be a Problem if you Decide to Split
Since the 70s, more and more people have decided not to marry, but live together and remain single. If you are thinking about partnering up with someone in [...]
You’ll Get There When You Get There [VIDEO]
Making important decisions can be extremely stressful, not to mention the anxiety that arises after the decision is made. My wise mother, Beverly Laxer, taught my sisters and me [...]
Be Careful What You Promise to Children
In the midst of all the co-parenting, in separate households, the pick-ups and drop-offs, etc., it is easy to forget that when you make a promise to a [...]