How Are We Going to Handle the Holidays?
There is no time of the year that is more stressful than the holidays. Being divorced and having children just adds another layer to the stress. The two most [...]
So is it ThanksGIVING or THANKSgiving?
ThanksGIVING or THANKSgiving? No matter how you pronounce it, it is a time for giving thanks for all the blessings in your life and expressing gratitude to those who [...]
Who are the Beneficiaries on Your Life Insurance Policy?
Most couples have life insurance policies, usually whole life or a term policy, to cover their needs, and those of their children, in case something happens to [...]
Updating Your Divorce Agreement (VIDEO)
The result of a successful mediation is usually a Settlement Agreement crafted by the divorcing parties during their mediation sessions. With time, a return to mediation might be [...]
To Zoom or Not to Zoom [VIDEO]
Since last March, all of us who are doing mediations with clients have had to transfer to the Zoom platform in order to conduct those meetings. I was a [...]
Do You Think Marriage is a Good Thing? [VIDEO]
Once people find out what I do for a living, I am often asked if I have soured on marriage, followed by the question, “Do you think marriage is [...]
Bitter Grapes and Serpents [VIDEO]
There are two Biblical quotes that are among the truths that inform my role as a mediator. This video takes a brief look at those quotes and explains [...]
Judges Can Do Whatever They Want! [VIDEO]
At the NYSCDM conference this year, I attended a very interesting session with five matrimonial and family court judges who talked about child support and maintenance, and how [...]
Living Separate and Apart Before Divorce or Separation [VIDEO]
Many of my couples come to me at various stages of their marriage or separation, and many of them have already been living apart for a while — [...]