"Thank you Ada. You made a life-changing event go so smoothly and painlessly. You are awesome. I gave two people your number. Thanks again!." - Michael D. |
Assuming New Tasks After Divorce [VIDEO]
In any partnership, parties gravitate to their [...]
You Buy Insurance to Protect Assets — Why Not Do a Pre-Nup? [VIDEO]
Most people getting married find any [...]
The Loaded Costs of Litigation vs. Mediation [VIDEO]
When couples decide to litigate their divorce, [...]
Relocation: Moving Out of State with the Children (VIDEO)
In my last video, I talked about [...]
How to Address a Relocation Issue in Mediation [VIDEO]
One of the most important things a [...]
Mediation Is Not Just for Divorce [VIDEO]
There are other situations when couples can [...]
Child Support 101: 5. The Conclusion of Child Support [VIDEO]
My last few videos have dealt [...]
Child Support 101: 4. Additional Child Support Expenses [VIDEO]
According to the CSSA statute, with the [...]
Child Support 101: 3. The Monthly Amount of Child Support [VIDEO]
When determining the monthly amount of child [...]
Child Support 101: 2. Child Support Calculations [VIDEO]
In my last video blog, I [...]