"Thank you Ada. You made a life-changing event go so smoothly and painlessly. You are awesome. I gave two people your number. Thanks again!." - Michael D. |
Be Careful What You Promise to Children
In the midst of all the [...]
How Are We Going to Handle the Holidays?
There is no time of the year [...]
So is it ThanksGIVING or THANKSgiving?
ThanksGIVING or THANKSgiving? No matter how you [...]
Who are the Beneficiaries on Your Life Insurance Policy?
Most couples have life insurance [...]
Updating Your Divorce Agreement (VIDEO)
The result of a successful mediation [...]
To Zoom or Not to Zoom [VIDEO]
Since last March, all of us who [...]
Do You Think Marriage is a Good Thing? [VIDEO]
Once people find out what I do [...]
Bitter Grapes and Serpents [VIDEO]
There are two Biblical quotes that [...]
Being of Sound Moral Principle, Uprightness, Honesty and Sincerity [VIDEO]
I believe that we come [...]
Judges Can Do Whatever They Want! [VIDEO]
At the NYSCDM conference this year, [...]