How is Mediation Like a Jigsaw Puzzle or Launching a Ship?
{3:54 minutes to read} During my initial consultation, when [...]
{3:54 minutes to read} During my initial consultation, when [...]
{4:12 minutes to read} There are so many acronyms [...]
My friend and mediation colleague, Clare Piro, wrote an excellent [...]
{4:06 minutes to read} A friend and dear colleague of [...]
{4:00 minutes to read} I started to write this article [...]
In my last blog, I introduced Dr. Duffy Spencer who [...]
This past summer, I had the pleasure of appearing twice on Dr. Duffy Spencer’s radio show, Just Relationships.
In Buddies or Partners – The Anatomy of a [...]
As a divorce and family mediator, I was recently asked [...]
During the mediation couples will often ask: “What happens if [...]