Why Schedule a Mediation Consultation?
{3:30 minutes to read} There is no doubt that mediation is a lot less costly than litigation in every way – financially, emotionally and time-wise. The three main reasons [...]
How is Mediation Like a Jigsaw Puzzle or Launching a Ship?
{3:54 minutes to read} During my initial consultation, when I meet a couple for the first time, I think it’s important to put some context to the mediation process [...]
What is FOMO and Why Should I Care?
{4:12 minutes to read} There are so many acronyms these days between emails/texts, Facebook, Twitter and the like that, unless you are engaged in it regularly, you just can’t [...]
What Are Five Lessons from the First 100 (+/-) Days?
{3:48 minutes to read} Without getting into politics—and I know it’s difficult not to these days—the purpose of my article is to see the macrocosm of our current governmental [...]
What Happens When the Rejected Becomes the Rejector?
{4:06 minutes to read} No matter which spouse wants out of the marriage, there invariably comes a time when there may be some second guessing. This is not to say [...]
Divorce and 401(k)s and IRAs – Part 4
{4:30 minutes to read} In the preceding 3 articles, we have covered the subjects of retirement funding, comparing 401(k)s and IRAs, and dividing a 401(k) plan. As you will see, [...]