Separation or Divorce – The Emotional Divorce
The decision to seek a divorce or separation is in most cases, a difficult one. It is often preceded by months (if not years) of contemplation and thought. Your mind [...]
Life Tips Post Separation/Divorce: A Tale of Two Families
How often do we hear the lament of the grandparents who now have limited access to their grandchildren as a result of their own children’s vitriolic divorce? What about the [...]
Separation or Divorce – Common Divorce Mediation Misconceptions
If you are considering divorce mediation, you may have some common misconceptions about it. You are not alone. Misconceptions are documented ideas and beliefs which are erroneous, misleading, or otherwise [...]
Separation or Divorce – Child Custody Arrangements
While we go into great detail about this issue during a Mediation, here is a general overview of the various types of custody arrangements. For child support purposes in New [...]
Life Tips Post Separation/Divorce
Though some people can’t imagine it, life does go on after a separation or divorce. Once the agreements are made and everything is finalized, there are still some issues which [...]
Finally!! It’s No Fault Divorce for New York State
On October 13, 2010, New York finally joined the other 49 states to allow a no-fault divorce. This means that thankfully, couples no longer have to allege marital misconduct [...]
Separation or Divorce – Finances
How Does The Budget Look Once We Are Separated? Good question! One of the biggest concerns when contemplating a separation or divorce has to do with finances. How are we [...]
Separation or Divorce – The First Step
In any major life decision, the first step is always the hardest. You can spend hours weighing the pros and cons, researching on the Internet, talking to friends and family. [...]
What if I Want a Separation and My Spouse Doesn’t?
This is a common question and concern. My experience tells me that if one person wants out of the marriage, inevitably the separation will occur. It’s only a matter [...]