Words of Wisdom When Contemplating a Separation by Ada Hasloecher{4 minutes to read}  Over the years, I have accumulated quotes that have spoken to my heart, my head, and my soul. Some of them I recall almost immediately in times of conflict or crises. I refer to others that I have written down to remind myself of the human condition, the human spirit, and the human journey. To remember that we are all in this together and that although our paths may be slightly different, we are all human beings after all — sharing the same starlight and atomic dust.

These quotes never fail to help me put things in their proper perspective — which we have to be reminded of from time to time (okay — almost every day, but who’s counting?). So here are a few of my old favorites and some new ones. May they bring you the same peace and a bit of the same “ah-ha” moments that they bring to me:

My uncle, who follows my career with fascination and pride, is always sending me little sayings, quotes, cartoons and the like that comport with the work I do. I love that he does this as he has sent me some wonderful gems along the way. The quote below is one such nugget.

“Growth is painful.

Change is painful.

But nothing is as painful

as staying stuck somewhere

you don’t belong.”

~ Author Unknown

Another wonderful quote in this vein, is from Pema Chödrön, the Buddhist teacher, author, and nun who wrote the book When Things Fall Apart:

“To be fully alive and

completely awake is to be

continually thrown out

of the nest.”

If you think the two above rattle your cage, how about this one which is a take on the famous Samuel Johnson quote:

“Nothing focuses the mind

 Like the hangman’s noose.”

Karen Chen, the Olympic figure skater, who fell during her performance and quest for Olympic gold, said the following when interviewed (probably for the umpteenth time) about how she was dealing with the disappointment of not winning the gold medal:

“I can’t change it, no matter how much I think about it.”

My mother, Beverly Laxer, said the following to my sisters and me when we were facing a significant decision that we were either procrastinating or still mulling over until the time felt right to make it.

“You get there when you get there and not one minute before.

And no one can get you there but you.”

One of my all-time favorites from Soren Kierkegaard, the 17th century Danish philosopher and theologian:

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.”

From Viktor Frankl, the Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist as well as a Holocaust survivor:

“What is to give light must endure burning.”

Jesus Christ from the Sermon on the Mount:

“Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

And finally — one of the most beloved Walt Disney characters and brilliant philosopher, Jiminy Cricket:

“….And always let your conscience be your guide.”

Wherever you are on your life’s journey, you are not alone. There are those of us — friends, family, colleagues, professionals — who are here to help you along the way. You only need ask.

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