Leaning Back, Thinking Forward
The prevailing wisdom in mediation is that we start with where our clients are (the present) and assist them as they move forward (the future). We don’t spend much time [...]
I Don’t Hate Her, She Don’t Hate Me
Could there be sweeter words to a mediator’s ears? I seriously doubt it. These were words said by a client as he and his soon-to-be former spouse were walking out [...]
How a Mediation Can Sometimes Feel Like Watching The Weather Channel
How many times has this happened to you? You get up in the morning, grab a cup of coffee, put on The Weather Channel to check the weather for the [...]
Ill Equipped
Before I meet with a new couple, I remind myself that for them, life as they know it is over. Everything that has been routine, understood and tacitly agreed to [...]
A Must Read for Every Parent
My sister is a high school English teacher. While reading The Grapes of Wrath, a story about a family who is evicted from their farm by the bank during the [...]
Your Children Will Thank You
How many times has this happened to you? Suddenly you are hit with something unexpected that seems to come out of left field or you experience a series of events [...]
Separation Partners
I know this title may seem like an oxymoron of the first order, but really – it’s not. In my last article (Buddies or Partners – An Anatomy of a [...]
Buddies or Partners – An Anatomy of a Marriage
In the almost ten years that I have been mediating families and couples, my thoughts often go to the nature of marriage – what makes it tick, what makes it [...]
Thoughts on Pre-Cana and How it Relates to Mediation – Part 3
Over the past few months as my articles have been posted, many people have shared with me their own experiences and the advice they would pass along to a newly [...]