"Thank you Ada. You made a life-changing event go so smoothly and painlessly. You are awesome. I gave two people your number. Thanks again!." - Michael D. |
No Charge for the Guts! [VIDEO]
I was sharing with my mom the [...]
Responsibility and Obligation — What is the Difference? [VIDEO]
Going through a divorce results in a [...]
It’s Time to Play the Hand [VIDEO]
We all have times in our lives when [...]
How Mediation Decisions Are Like Choosing a Paint Color [VIDEO]
Have you done any painting lately? [...]
A Judgement Free Zone Continued [VIDEO]
This video continues the discussion about how [...]
Mediation: A Judgment-Free Zone [VIDEO]
As human beings, we are wired to [...]
Consequences of Living Together Post Settlement Agreement [VIDEO]
Can we continue to live in the [...]
The Significant Other – Part 2 [VIDEO]
In my last video on the subject [...]
Introducing Your Children to Your Significant Other
When is it the right time to [...]
Adult Children of Divorce Continued [VIDEO]
Divorcing couples have a tendency to discount [...]