Mediation: A Judgment-Free Zone [VIDEO]
As human beings, we are wired to make judgments to assess danger and opportunity, and we can't shut that off. It's important to know that we have it, and [...]
Consequences of Living Together Post Settlement Agreement [VIDEO]
Can we continue to live in the house together after we’ve signed the agreement? I get asked this question by divorcing couples a lot. There is no right or [...]
The Significant Other – Part 2 [VIDEO]
In my last video on the subject of significant others, I explored how and why to introduce your children to this new person. This video looks at how and [...]
You Get There When You Get There and Not a Moment Before [VIDEO]
My mother had a quote that I heard often during my childhood and growing up years. Remembering it recently, I realized that it was very much applicable to the [...]
Who Gets Custody of Fido and Sylvester? [VIDEO]
In mediation, we ask all the expected questions about what the couples want to do with their property; what the custody arrangement is going to be with their children [...]
Click, Boom, Zoom — We are Ready to Mediate
Many of us are experiencing all kinds of video-social connections now that we are practicing social distancing. Whether it's with Zoom, GoToMeeting, Skype — we’re connecting with friends, colleagues, [...]
Health Coverage: A Reason Not to File for Divorce Right Away [VIDEO]
This video is a continuation of the previous ones talking about a couple’s options once the mediation is complete. They can choose to live under the settlement contract for a [...]
Relocation: Moving Out of State with the Children (VIDEO)
In my last video, I talked about what happens if one parent moves to such a distance that the current parenting plan will need to be revised. In this [...]
Mediation Is Not Just for Divorce [VIDEO]
There are other situations when couples can benefit from mediation in addition to separation and divorce. These include prenuptials and postnuptials, unmarried couples who own property together, or restructuring [...]